Majette Publications


Off-Road Arizona

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Other books by Raymond C. Andrews
Medical Grail
How to Be
                          a Patient and Live to Tell the Tale!
The Life and
                          Times of Benjamin WIggins, MD

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4th Edition
4th Edition
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Have you ever wanted:
1. to camp on an Indian Reservation?
2. to show your children where the deer and the antelope really play?
3. to drive the same trails the pioneers traveled in covered wagons 150 years ago, such as the Mormon Honeymoon Trail or the Moqui Stagecoach Trail?
4. to camp in an unspoiled forest or star-lit desert accompanied by the sounds of chirping crickets?

If so, then pack a tent, stock your Jeep, buy this book, and say goodbye to the hustle and bustle of civilization for a week.

Once upon a time in the West

In 1776, while states on America's east coast were declaring independence from England, two Spanish priests, Dominguez and Escalante, were camping with Paiute Indians at the base of the Kaibab Plateau in northern Arizona. The trail the Indians showed them, the Jacob Hamblin/Mormon Honeymoon Trail, still exists, as do the Beale Wagon Road and the Moqui Stage Station. Today's adventurers can travel these trails and visit these sites on All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), bicycles, horseback, snowmobiles, or as we do in a modified Jeep towing an off-road trailer.

These trails welcome those yearning to follow in their ancestors' wagon ruts, and except for the fires, floods, and landslides that have occurred over the past centuries, they remain as they were when pioneers, cattle ranchers, and Mormon Honeymooners first ventured into Arizona: teeming with wildlife, exotic plants, and breathtaking rock formations that expose the history of the earth.

Driving the Great Western Trail in Arizona will help you drive the trail from Phoenix to the Utah border on some of the same roads your ancestors traveled 200 years ago. The Trail is long and lonely, and days without Face Book and Twitter can lead to erratic and sometimes violent behavior, yet if you are willing to leave civilization behind, driving through Arizona's spectacular backcountry is an experience you will not forget.

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